viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

Exitoso rescate de un gatito en Miami

Enviado por mi amiga Valentina de Cat Network La noticia está en inglés, para quien no lo entienda decirle a grosso modo que sucedió en Miami Beach hace un par de semanas, unos voluntarios se encontraron con esta situación y dieron la voz de alerta. Fue necesario cortar el suministro eléctrico en la zona para poder llevar a cabo el rescate. Las fotos hablan por si solas.

Cat Network, Vigilant volunteers Ethel Dominguez, Simone Mueller, & Mary Thingelstad stood stalwart & alert Monday, April 9th at the daring mid-day rescue of a pole-perched & parched pussycat. Thirty feet aloft, the big black cat was sighted stuck up high down a Miami Beach alley between 12th & 13th Streets above Euclid Avenue. Miami Beach Fire Rescue sent for Risky Roger the FPL Lineman who ascended swiftly in his bucket to briskly net the lofty critter. (Please note that FPL had to cut the power in order to safety rescue this wayward wanderer) But, upon descent the frightened feline scaled the net's interior, leapt into blue sky, and plunged the remaining twenty feet to harsh pavement below! Yet, he landed upon all four paws and darted hastily away from a stunned gathering of amazed onlookers. The former pole cat remains still at large.


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